Friday, 18 October 2013

Frivolous Friday: October is Birthday Month

Welcome to the weekend! I still have no internet (the less said about England's internet and cell phone service delivery the better), but I couldn't resist a quick Frivolous Friday post. 

This month we celebrate two birthdays. My daughter Kate turns sixteen. And my brother Tom hits an age too high to mention without having to wash my mouth out with soap and water. This means the birthday dinner is at our house. I always do a roast with spuds and all the trimming for birthdays. It's become an institution. Hopefully it tastes better, though.

All Kate wanted for her sixteenth was a cat. So, today we went to a real English farm, complete with a dozen farm cats and kittens. The owners filled a bowl with milk and we were swamped with felines. In the end I'm not sure who picked who . . .  Spot Lexie (the kitten's current name) hiding in Kate's hoodie! She climbed in there herself and didn't move until she got home. 

Kate and little Lexie

Being the kind sister she is, Erin made Kate a hippie truck birthday cake. Looks really cool. Tomorrow we are heading down to the Norfolk Broads to have some family fun. Pictures to follow.

Until next time, have a great weekend everyone. Chat soon - hopefully, if I ever get on line!!


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