- I'm a professional copywriter, knocking out words for anything from training manuals to book and DVD blurbs. I'm always looking for interesting projects to get involved in, so feel free to contact me if you want someone who can produce compelling copy for both the print and digital media. My email: gwynnethwhite (at) 4xforum (dot) com
- I am also a published author. My two adventure travel guides - The Complete Guide to 4x4 Trails in Southern Africa and The Ultimate 4x4 Guide - reached bestseller status. Pledged, my young adult fantasy, received mixed reviews, prompting me to remove it from sale for a re-edit.
- I'm currently working on three book projects:
- a re-edit of Pledged,
- Torn Trousers, a travel memoir,
- Truth & Deception, a dystopian fantasy.
- The jury is still out on how I will go about publishing these.
- I'm a mom of three amazing teenage girls.
- I'm married to Andrew, an explorer/writer/film-maker.
- Books are my TV.
- I love travel, especially if it involves boats and trains.
Email: gwynnethwhite (at) 4xforum (dot) com
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