Wednesday, 15 May 2013

WWW: 14 May

My favourite weekly meme! Thanks to MizB at Should Be Reading for hosting. As usual she asks three questions:

                                                     1. What have you finished reading?

 The Emperor's Edge (Goodreads)

Watch out Celaena Sardothien (Throne Of Glass), you have stiff competition from Amaranthe Lokdon, heroine in The Emperor's Edge

If you know anything about me and Celaena then you will know that is praise indeed. I've followed Lindsay Buroker's blog for ages now, so I fully expected the book to be good. It certainly didn't disappoint. If you love non-stop action with great characters, then this is for you. I will be doing a review and interview with Lindsay soon, but in the meantime, let me say that this FIVE STAR read has won a coveted spot on my Top Ten Reads of 2013 list.

2. What are you currently reading?

 I got this from Netgalley and am loving it. Yes, I admit, you have to be an Ender junkie to want to read a book of essays about him, but what can I say? Fantastic read. Review will probably be up next week.
(Review of Ender's Game)

3. What are you planning on reading?

Help! I'm torn between . . .
Aargh!!!! Goodreads is down for maintenance so I can't get the links. Amazon will have to do.

As I was saying, I'm torn between these two . . .
Perception (Amazon)

Dare you To (Amazon)
 What do you suggest I read? 

As usual, leave a link and I will visit. Take care and happy reading everyone.



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