Wednesday, 1 May 2013

WWW: 1 May

Now for some book fun. Thanks to MizB at Should Be Reading for hosting. As usual she asks three questions:

1. What have you finished reading?
2. What are you currently reading?
3. What are you planning on reading?

What have I finished reading?

Vanish (Review here)
I will be posting a cover comparison for this book tomorrow.

What am I reading now?
Insignia (Goodreads)
I am enjoying this, but because I'm an Ender's Game (Goodreads) junkie I keep comparing the two. So far so good. I like the MC Tom. He seems like a smart kid.

What am I reading next?
Trail of Bones (Goodreads)
I'm really excited for this one! Love the cover and the premise - panthers and wolves all in one book. How cool is that?

So that's me. Been a slow week because of my move, but life will be back to normal by the weekend. I hope! Please leave a link and I'll call by.


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