Wednesday, 12 June 2013

WWW: 12 June 2013

Welcome to Wednesday and my favourite meme where we explore what we've read, what we're reading and what we plan to read. Thanks to MizB at Should Be Reading for hosting.

What have I finished reading?

My week has been devoted to the Emperor's Edge series by Lindsay Buroker.

Blood and Betrayal (Goodreads)

Conspiracy (Goodreads)
Forged in Blood 1 (Goodreads) 
 As I said in my last WWW, I am just loving these books. Five fantastic stars to all of them. So if you also enjoy high fantasy/steam punk adventures with a touch of romance on the side then, you must read these. I will be doing a review of the series and an author's Q&A later this week.
The first book in the series - Emperor's Edge (Goodreads) - is free everywhere. But trust me, once you've read it, you will want the rest.

What am I reading now?

I told you I'm obsessed . . . 

Beneath The Surface (Goodreads)
This is an novella that takes place between books five and six in the Emperor's Edge series.

What am I reading next?

I need to get back on track after my current Emperor's Edge deviation because I have review commitments. So I think my next read will be . . .

A Study in Silks (Goodreads)
This one is about Sherlock Holmes' niece and promises to be a rollicking mystery/adventure.

Sadly I also had a DNF this past week . . . 

Shiver (Goodreads)
How do you define slow? Tedious. Snail Race. Yawn. All of those words applied to this book. Sad that, because I was really excited for it.

That's my week. What have you been up to? Leave a comment or a link and I'll get back to you.


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