Wednesday, 5 June 2013

WWW: 5 June 2013

Welcome to another WWW where we explore what we've read, what we're reading and what we plan to read. Thanks to MizB at Should Be Reading for hosting.

What Have I Finished Reading?

I've discovered a new favourite author - Lindsay Buroker. Her Emperor's Edge series knocked my well-laid reading plans on their head. She writes high fantasy/steam punk. Yes, what an amazing combination. The characters are so real I can hear them fart. The world building so realistic I honestly believe I've been there. The plots so fast moving I can't turn the pages fast enough. The dialogue witty, sharp and funny, often making me laugh out loud. And the romance? You have got to read it to believe it. It is without question the best slow-burning heat I've ever read. And that makes it hotter than any steamy romance. I really recommend these books.

Dark Currents (Book Two) (Goodreads)
Deadly Games (Book Three) (Goodreads)
The first book in the series - Emperor's Edge (Goodreads) - is free everywhere. But trust me, once you've read it, you will want the rest.

In between Lindsay Buroker I also managed to squeeze in . . .
My Wolf's Bane (Goodreads)

 This follows all the usual high school paranormal romance tropes, but it was fun. I will pick up the rest of the series at sometime.

What am I reading now?

Surprise, surprise. . .

Conspiracy (Goodreads)

What will I be reading next?

Because I enjoy reading series on the trot, I'll finish up with the last two books in the Emperor's Edge bunch. Then I'll probably go into a short decline while I mourn the loss of these friends . . . 

Blood and Betrayal (Goodreads)
Forged in Blood 1 (Goodreads) 

That's me. Leave a comment and a link and I'll visit.


PS. Sorry about the formatting today, but Blogger and I had an argument and it won. Grumble . . . grumble.

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