Saturday, 16 February 2013

Stacking the Shelves #2

Yes, it's Saturday, time for a look at the new additions to The Family. Thanks to Tynga for hosting this meme.

I was sparing this week . . . given that I still have about twenty unread waifs sitting on my TBR shelf, waiting for final acceptance in the inner circle of The Family.

So what did I get?

1. Trouble Twisters: The Monster. This is the second book in the Trouble Twister series and I don't yet have the first. I rectified that immediately by order it's companion. I admit this series is probably younger than I normally read (it looks like Middle Grade) but you know me and Garth Nix! 'Nuf said.

2. Daughter of the Flames: I recently finished Frostfire, the second in this series (although it works just as well as a stand alone). It was AMAZING, so when I saw this, I had to have it. Logical, right?

3. Nightspell: A classic case of cover love. It looks so intriguing, I couldn't resist it. Have to see what it's all about.

Finally, what am I reading at the moment? Actually, it's a re-read of an all-time favourite . . . 

Under The Never Sky is as wonderful this time round as it was when I first read it. Pity about the awful cover. It does NOT do this book justice.

That's me?  What about you?


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