This week I've decided to do WOW hosted by MizB As you know she always asks:
• What are you currently reading?

In this book (the sequel to Ender's Game), Ender has just destroyed the Formics, the alien race threatening planet Earth. But although a thirteen-year-old hero, he's too dangerous a weapon to be allowed back to Earth.
This is the story of how ungrateful mankind - and the conniving politicians who control them - managed to exile Ender, sending him as Governor to a new world called Shakespeare.
Thus far I'm thoroughly enjoying it. No surprises there!
Goodreads: Ender in Exile
• What did you recently finish reading?
I really enjoyed this book. It has more twists and turns than a spiral staircase. The characters are fun and the concept great. Basically Isabel is a shifter whose only purpose in life is to protect the prince/king. Trust me, she comes with some pretty special powers and fighting skills to achieve that end.
But, as usual in the books we love, nothing is ever as it seems, and there are complications. It's these complications which make the book so intriguing, keeping me guessing right to the end. I really thought I had the mystery figured, but I was so wrong!
If you like beautifully written high fantasy you will love this.
Goodreads: Mistwood
• What do you think you’ll read next?

I'm enjoying kick-butt girls at the moment so I thought I'd take this out for a spin!
Great cover, hey?
Goodreads: Throne of Glass
And you? I'd love to get some good recommends.