Friday, 12 April 2013

Frivolous Friday: April 12


And oh boy, do I mean that! It has been a rough week. Thankfully, I've had my writing (going brilliantly), The Iron Fey series (almost finished. Reviews to follow) and long walks with my dogs to keep me sane.

So, this week I thought I'd share some pics of my dogs with you. After all, I showed you a picture of my other kids last week, so now it's the pups turn.

This is Bella, a Toy Pom with the heart of a lion. She happily takes on the Rottweilers at the park, swims like a fish and follows me like a shadow. 

Then we have Holley (yes, she has an 'e' in her name, having been named after a small town in upstate New York. We visited there as a family in the year we got our Blonde) Like all Labs, Holley will eat until she explodes, often (read usually) raiding the dustbin to satisfy her insatiable appetite. (That's after she's polished off Bella's food) She adores walks to the park and swims in the river where she mother-hens her little friend Bella. The two of them play like puppies together. A more loyal friend you'd be hard-pressed to find.

Finally, Louis.

Yes, I know Louis isn't a dog. He's a 17.4 hand bay Thoroughbred, but he's also a vital member of the family. (Although he lives in a roomy stable on a beautiful wine farm five minutes from our home) Stephanie, my eldest daughter, started horse riding when she was four and Louis belongs to her.

And then, in loving memory of
Man Cat

Man Cat, also know as Big Boy, died recently and is still solely missed by everyone but Bella. There was just too much competition for Mom's lap for the two of them to ever get along.

So, that's what's kept me sane this week. What about you? Please leave a comment because I'd love to hear what you do when life gets on top of you.


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