Saturday, 6 April 2013

Staking the Shelves: 6 April

As always, a big thanks to Tynga for this meme. 

Okay, so I went crazy yesterday at the bookshop. But then I did have two hours to kill. And I did buy some books for my kids. Or so I console myself. Thankfully, I had my iPhone so I could scan the books I was interested in onto Goodreads. That just added to the fun  . . . and eliminated a couple of 'undesirables' that didn't have good ratings. So you see, I could have spent a whole lot more . . .

As it was, I got:

Vanish is the second book in the Firelight series. 
Because it's a dragon paranormal there's no way I could resist it. Firelight, the first in the series, was such fun so I'm sure this will be too. And for those who enjoy my cover comparison posts: watch out for this book because you're in for a treat!

 I love Sci-Fi and this has an Ender's Game feel to it, so I had to bring it home with me. Can't wait to read it.

Falling Kingdoms
This feeds my need for high fantasy - my other great literary love. I adore this cover and can't wait to dive into this one.

I had my daughters, Stephanie and Erin, in mind when I bought these because they love Greek mythology romances. I know I will probably love them too!

Industrial Magic:
Erin and I both love Kelly Armstrong so this was a natural. Her Women of the Otherworld series is amazing. Perfect for feeding the paranormal beast lurking in my heart.

Then I won an eBook. Yah!

My Wolf's Bane
Weres and dragons are my best, so this is a perfect match for me. 

So that was my week. What about you?



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