Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: 23 April

I've eyed this little gem hosted by The Broke and the Bookish for ages now. I've so enjoyed reading the other bloggers' lists, so I've finally decided to make this a regular feature on my blog (along with my usual WWW and occasional Stacking the Shelves) I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

The Top Ten Books I Thought I'd Like MORE/LESS Than I Did
In no particular order . . .

Don't be put off by the cover or you'll really miss out. This was one of the best books I read last year! Indie author, Jade Varden really impressed with her plot and characters. I'll post a review of it soon.

Grrrr. Don't get me started on this one. . . 
How can a book with the alluring name of Wolf Springs Chronicles fail? Trust me, it can. Big time. I forced myself to read to the end, hoping against hope, that something - ANYTHING - would happen. What a waste of my time.

I heard so many great things about this book and I fully expected to be blown away. Sadly, I was totally under-whelmed by it. In fact, the only book in the series I really enjoyed was the Specials.

This was another bitter disappointment. I really wanted to like this series, but I haven't got the energy for the last book. I just wish someone would tell me who Cassia ended up with - Ky or Xander. Feel free to leave a comment if you know!

I got this for free on Amazon and went into it knowing very little about it. I was blown away. This book is amazing - and the reason why I didn't like Matched, because I think Ally Condie lifted her world straight out of The Giver.

How do you possibly write a boring book about Vlad the Impaler, AKA Dracula?
Ask Elizabeth Kostova.

I was amazed by this book. I enjoyed the Twilight series, but I didn't think the plot was anything special - boy meets girl, boy hates girl, boy saves girl, boy wants to die for girl. Oh yes, boy happens to be a sparkly vampire.

So I was pretty stunned by the depth and originality of The Host. Well worth a read.


This was another pleasant indie surprise. The plot is an imaginative fantasy and the characters well-sketched. Really recommend this one.

I was a bit dubious about this to start - it looks like a girl having a bad hair day -
but I was thrilled with it. I immediately rushed out and bought the whole series. Wonderful fantasy stuff.

Okay, don't stone me, but I was a bit disappointed with this book. It just didn't live up to the great start made in Divergent. Still, I am so looking forward to the final book: Allegiant

That's mine. Leave a link and I'll pop by and check yours out.


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