Tuesday 9 April 2013

Cover Love: Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

I declare myself confused. This book has had more covers than I've had hot breakfasts.

My first surprise came when I saw these two completely different Seraphina (review) covers (both paperback) sitting side-by-side on the shelf in my local bookstore. Both were published in 2012 by Random House. How weird is that? I've never seen it before with any other book. Have you?

Which cover do I prefer? I bought the red one with the dragon eye. But I like the other one just as much, so I'd be happy with either in my bookshelf.

Random House 2012
 Random House 2012


Then we have the following:

Doubleday: Canada

Very pretty. I definitely like it. But why the Canadians need their own version of Seraphina is one of life's great mysteries. Perhaps you have the answer. If so, don't be shy to comment.

Finally, we have this . . . The same sepia cover as sold in my South African bookstore, but with a red typeface. Don't ask me why.

Published by Corgi in 2013

And these are just the print books for the English speaking world. It does not even touch on what's happening in foreign languages or eBooks. Strange, given that this book is almost brand new.

So help me out here . . . what cover do you own and where do you live?


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